As salam, Let me ask you two questions; (1) Why Bibi Fatematuj-Zohra, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.) and wife of Ali (a.s.) was badly treated after the death of Rasul (s.a.). She was slapped and injured by the third and she cried for 70 days and died in that shock at the age of only 23 year! Also, Ayesa, the wife of Rasul (s.a.) was not in good terms with Fatema (a.s.), and Ayesa did bring an army of camels to help Moaviyah against Ali (a.s.). Can you draw some more lights on these two personalities. (2) Our Janabs always say that Nabi saheb, Ali, Fatema (p.u. t.) and others were knowing that Imam Hussain (a.s.) is going to be killed in Karbala along with 72 family members and they were reminding these event again and again during their life span. Is there any historical fact of this matter? If it was known to them, why not prevented? One Janab says that to make all Dawoodi Bohras sin-free, Imam Hussain favor Shahadat. Other says that there was too much debt on the head of Rasul (a.s.) of many last Prophets, Rasullah selected Hussain to accept SHAHADAT and clean that debt?
Hussain Martyrdom to make bohra sinfree
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your Question: Why Bibi Fatematuj-Zohra, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.) and wife of Ali (a.s.) was badly treated after the death of Rasul (s.a.). She was slapped and injured by the third and she cried for 70 days and died in that shock at the age of only 23 year!
Brother, it is nothing but a fabricated lie and a slander to accuse the third Khalifa Hadrat Uthman for slapping or injuring the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohamed, Hadrat Fatema (r.a.). It is absolutely inconceivable that Hadrat Uthman, or any of the noble companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws), who were ready to sacrifice their lives and their possessions on one command of the Prophet (saws) when he was alive, to all turn against the family of the Prophet (saws) after his death! The noble companions lived in the company of the Prophet (saws) for many years, and were trained thoroughly by the Messenger of Allah (saws) to live their lives as true believers and in the fear of Allah. Thus if we accuse and slander any of the noble companions and friends of the Messenger, we actually undermine the Prophet (saws); for what kind of a leader and person we think Prophet Mohamed (saws) was, who could not even choose his closest friends and companions well.
Just think about this accusation with an unbiased and cool mind, and you will realize that this accusation is nothing but a horrendous lie and a slander against the noble companions of the Messenger (saws).
Just imagine if you had a life-long friend and well-wisher, who was with you constantly in your days of happiness and sadness; and sacrificed his self and his possessions along with you. Do you think that after your death, this person would slap and injure your orphan daughter? When we, as simple human beings are so careful in choosing our friends and well-wishers, do you honestly think that the Messenger of Allah (saws), made a mistake in choosing all his friends and companions?
And lets assume (Allah forbid) that the Third Khalifa Hadrat Uthman did slap and injure Hadrat Fatema (r.a.); what about all the other companions of the Messenger of Allah? Did they all just stand around and do absolutely nothing! Not even one of these noble men and women, who had lived all their lives in the company of the Prophet (saws), and loved him (saws) more than their own selves and their families, come to the help of Hadrat Fatema (r.a.)? And what about Hadrat Ali (r.a.), who is unanimously recognized as one of the bravest and courageous companion of the Prophet (saws)? Did he just stand there and let something like this happen to his beloved wife and the daughter of the Prophet (saws)?
If someone dared to slap even our own wives, we would make sure that the person would go home without an arm!
Brother, this accusation is nothing but a lie against the noble companions of the Prophet (saws). And these sort of lies and slander were made up many years after the death of the companions by unscrupulous and criminal people, so that they could arouse enmity and fitnah between the believers for their own political gains!
Allah is the One who gives life and ordains death, and no one has the power to increase the time of one’s appointed death. Hadrat Fatema (r.a.) indeed died at a young age of only 23 years, as ordained by Allah.
Your Question: Also, Ayesa, the wife of Rasul (s.a.) was not in good terms with Fatema (a.s.), and Ayesa did bring an army of camels to help Moaviyah against Ali (a.s.). Can you draw some more lights on these two personalities.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 33 Surah Ahzaab verse 6: Indeed, the Prophet is preferable for the believers to their own selves, and the Prophet’s wives are their mothers.
Allah Himself, in His Holy Quran, has honored the wives of the Prophet (saws), and given them the title of ‘Umm-al-Mumineen’ (mother of the believers). Not only is Hadrat Aisha the mother of the believers, she was also the step-mother of Hadrat Fatema (r.a.), because Hadrat Fatema (r.a.) is the daughter of her husband, the Messenger of Allah (saws). There is absolutely no evidence in the authentic books of history that Hadrat Aisha was not on good terms with Hadrat Fatema (r.a.).
There was a huge fitnah after the murder of Hadrat Uthman, and this resulted in the Battle of Jamal (Camel) between Hadrat Aisha and Hadrat Ali. Hadrat Aisha later realized her mistake and apologized to Hadrat Ali, and Hadrat Ali forgave her immediately for her mis-understanding and honored and respected her as the ‘mother of the believers’ until death.
Hadrat Aisha did not come to help Muawiya in the Battle of Jamal, as Muawiya was not involved in this battle. Muawiya later waged a rebellious war against Hadrat Ali which is known in history as the Battle of Siffin; and Hadrat Aisha was not involved in this battle.
All the scholars of all the schools of thought in Islam, are unanimous in their opinion that Hadrat Ali (r.a.) was on the side of the Truth. Hadrat Aisha was the victim of a mis-understanding when she waged the Battle of Jamal, for which she later apologized to Hadrat Ali (r.a.). Muawiya was wrong when he waged a rebellion against the Rightful Ameer-ul-Mumineen, Hadrat Ali (r.a.), in the Battle of Siffin.
What we must remember at all times is that the deen of Islam was completed, the Quran revealed, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) was established at the time of the death of the Prophet (saws). Whatever happened after the death of the Prophet (saws) is the History of the Muslims, and this is in the knowledge of Allah Alone. Allah will not hold us accountable for the deeds of these people, nor ask us about them on the Day of Judgment. We will be asked about our deeds and what did we do for the cause of Islam.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 134: They were a people who passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned, and you shall have the reward of what you will earn. And you will not be questioned as to what they did.
Your Question: One Janab says that to make all Dawoodi Bohras sin-free, Imam Hussain favor Shahadat. Other says that there was too much debt on the head of Rasul (a.s.) of many last Prophets, Rasullah selected Hussain to accept SHAHADAT and clean that debt?
Your Question: One Janab says that to make all Dawoodi Bohras sin-free, Imam Hussain favor Shahadat. Other says that there was too much debt on the head of Rasul (a.s.) of many last Prophets, Rasullah selected Hussain to accept SHAHADAT and clean that debt?
Whatever the ‘Janab’ has said, he must have said it from himself; because there is absolutely no evidence of such ‘myths’ in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (saws). Besides, such concepts of making believers ‘sin-free’ or ‘debt-free’ is an alien concept in Islam!
Making the followers ‘sin-free’ is a Christian belief and concept, which has been propagated by some mis-guided muslim sects into Islam! According to the Christian belief, every son of Adam is born in sin, because their father Prophet Adam ate of the apple in the heavens which was forbidden by Allah. And as a punishment for this sin of Adam, Allah punished him and his descendants to go and live on the earth! They then believe, that to relieve the human beings of the sin of Adam, Allah sent His Only Son, Jesus, to be crucified on earth! They also believe that whoever believes and loves Jesus, all their sins will be forgiven and they will become ‘sin-free’! This ‘sin-free’ belief is clearly Christian in nature, which unfortunately has crept up in Islam.
In light of the clear guidance of the Holy Quran, Allah forgave Adam and Hawwa for eating the forbidden fruit, and then sent them to live their lives as a test on earth, for an appointed time. Allah appointed Adam as the first Prophet, and at regular intervals sent His Prophets and Books for the guidance of mankind. Allah gave human beings intelligence and a free will to choose whatever path they wished to attain salvation. If they, with their free will, chose to follow the guidance of Allah, they passed the test and deserve Allah’s Mercy. If they deny and reject the guidance of Allah, and create and follow their own paths, they will deserve the Wrath and Anger of Allah. Every person is born ‘sin-free’, and it is his deeds and actions alone which will determine whether he has sinned or lived a life of virtue, and this decision will be made by Allah on the Day of Judgement.
Now, lets look at the belief propagated by the Janab that Imam Hussain was martyred to make the Bohras ‘sin-free’. Lets use simple common-sense and reasoning to ascertain the Truth.
In any court of the world today, if a father commits a crime or sin; his son cannot be punished for it. Even in the limited justice applied in the world today, no person can be punished for the crime of another! It would not be justice, if we commit the sins, and Hadrat Hussain (r.a.) is punished for our sins by being martyred! We are responsible for our deeds, and Hadrat Hussain (r.a.) will get the reward for his deeds. That would be justice!
Some unscrupulous holy men also propagate the belief, that we must love, wail, cry, and beat ourselves for the atrocities committed on Hadrat Hussain (r.a.) and his noble family in the fields of Kerbala. Only if we do that, Allah will forgive all our sins!
Just imagine what would happen if President Bush were to declare that only those who love and remember his son or his close friend, will be forgiven all their sins and crimes, no matter what they have done? Would not the whole country stand up and say this is absolute injustice? But some unscrupulous people coolly attribute such injustice to Allah Subhanah and claim that He will only forgive us our sins if we were to love, wail and do ‘matam’ for Imam Hussain (r.a.)!
We, as muslims, are commanded to believe that our Lord, Allah is the All-Just. Amongst His many Noble Names and Attributes, Allah has named Himself “Al-Aadil” (The All-Just). Whatever is against justice, cannot be attributed to Allah.
In light of the Holy Quran, the system of Allah’s justice is that He will forgive whoever believes and does righteous good deeds in accordance with the Guidance revealed by Him; and He will punish whoever rejects His guidance and does evil deeds. The system of Allah’s justice is that whoever does a good deed will be rewarded by Allah, and whoever does an evil deed will be punished accordingly. Nowhere in the Glorious Quran is it mentioned that Allah will make all those who believe, love, wail, and do ‘matam’ on Imam Hussain will be sin-free on the Day of Judgement! Everyone will be recompensed according to his or her own deeds, and no one will be wronged in the least in the Just Court of Allah.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 6 Surah Anaam verse 164: Say, “Should I seek another Lord besides Allah, when He is the Lord of everything? Every person is himself accountable for what he earns, for no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another! Ultimately, you shall all have to return to your Lord; then He will tell you the reality of that about which you differ.”
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 35 Surah Faatir verse 18: No bearer of a burden will bear another’s burden; and if a laden soul cries out for help, none will come forward to share the least of its burden, even though it be the nearest of relations! You can only warn those who fear their Lord though they cannot see Him, and establish the prayer. Whoever adopts purity does so for his own good, and to Allah shall all return.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 134: They were a people who passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned, and you shall have the reward of what you will earn. And you will not be questioned as to what they did.
Thus, whatever the holy man or ‘janab’ has said, he has said from himself; because Allah has not mentioned any such thing in the Holy Quran, whereby the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (or anyone else for that matter) will make all the Dawoodi Bohras ‘sin-free’! It would be best to go to the ‘janab’ and ask him to prove his belief and claim, from the Holy Quran. And if he is unable to do that, and he will never be able to do that, bear witness that he is giving false hopes, and has invented this belief and concept (that Imam Hussain was martyred to make Dawoodi Bohras ‘sin-free’) himself, and has ascribed false things to Allah.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 77-78: Do they really not know that Allah is fully aware of what they hide and what they disclose? Then there are among them some ignorant people who have no knowledge of the Book, but depend upon empty hopes and are guided by mere conjecture and guess-work.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 11 Surah Hud verses 18-24: And who can be more unjust than the one who ascribes false things to Allah? Such persons shall be brought before their Lord and the witnesses will say, “These are the people who ascribed false things to their Lord.” Beware! Allah’s curse rests upon the unjust people!; who debar others from Allah’s Way, and seek to make it crooked, and who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They were unable to frustrate Allah on the earth, nor had they ‘auliyaas’ to defend them against Allah. Now they shall be given double chastisement for they would neither listen to others nor see the Truth for themselves. These are the people who brought about their own loss and all that they had invented vanished from them. No doubt they shall be the greatest losers in the Hereafter. As regards those who believed and did righteous deeds and dedicated themselves exclusively to their Lord, most surely they shall be dwellers of Paradise, and shall abide therein for ever. These two groups may be likened to two men, one of whom is blind and deaf, and the other can see and hear! Can they be alike and equal? Do you not ponder?
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.